Tuesday, December 7, 2010

ENGLISH DEPARTMENT, PNHS- MAIN Celebrates 2010 English Book Month with its theme..."Open Book, Open Doors"

                                         "Open Book, Open Doors"

                           Book is intended as standard instructional material for reading, teaching and learning communication skills. That the conceptual framework is learning about the language, learning the language and learning through the language. Book corresponds to the part that initially afford the reader a background or preparing for composition writing, which is the thrust in the study of English.
                          This year's Book month celebration focus on the theme, "OPEN BOOK, OPEN DOORS'. it is said that through books learners will strive to study proper developing composition skill and open door to the position reinforcing study skills. Learning the language however, need to study the background, developing word power for instance, and improving sentence craft.

                         In any presentation of material was devoted to the study skills development not for reiteration nor repetition of materials. It deserves to be  called importance and development. Thus, it offers every student the stimulus of understanding something new, worthy and reliable. It is for reason that through reading books improve thinking and learning, beside using library source materials, surfing the net, taking notes, answering test items, studying and preparing research papers.

                       Book is a reinforcement of developing study skills , it is intended to open doors to help the students, learners and readers to understand himself ,others and his world both internal and external. It also conduce to harmonious relationships and better performance as future professional and member of the society.

                       Book open its content and values-oriented even as it believes in analyzing language structure to arrive at meaning, in the belief that when literature, grammar, vocabulary and composition are taught and considered as subject matter separate from the very questioning of lifes fundamental values, they become dull and lifeless. "Book is properly and carefully studied and prepared but quickly forgotten" and not necessarily incorporated in the students' lives.

                     It is the role of the language teachers to mold the students and develop their reading  skills and communicative competence. Book open to develop students and readers as effectively functioning being in society. It open doors to allow learners efficiently leeway in learning the lessons or pacing the work depending on the ability of the students. Creative use of the material is indeed encouraged to the extent that learners and readers exercise his or her privileges and judgment as to which of the activities seems best adapted to the needs and abilities of the students at hand.

                    This is useful in future development of enhancing training and skills to upgrade learning skills and strategies and the English teachers has the big role to achieve its purpose. The role to develop communicative competence and interact to the society. That the realization is an actual production and comprehension of utterances to achieve communicative  learning performance.

                     The success of the English Month is the success of everyone. For creative, innovative, impressive performance is the future of the English subjects because language proficiency is a tool for successful study. Let us strive for attainment of the communication skills, our objective that will not only end from this simple activities but will continue enhancement of creative and productive communicative competence. As our ultimate goal is to help and develop students learning competence. We open book, open doors for the development of language and communication of our student learners. Book is not only a reference material but it is an efficient tool for learning in other subjects, for interaction and convention. Remember, quality of instruction is the most essential and basic amount of human intelligence which constitute the ear of language and studies. Therefore, take it seriously through it ... we strive for attainment of improvement and development of communication skills as our objective. Let us open book, open doors to everyone!

  by: mahaliah                

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